Kosteniuk – Nadezhda Kosintseva Blitz Chess 2010

12th Women’s World Chess Champion and Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk wins this game against Nadezhda Kosintseva, at the 2010 Women’s World Blitz Championship in Moscow, Russia.

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk aka ChessQueen
12th women’s world chess champion
FIDE women’s world cup winner 2021
Women’s World Rapid Chess Champion 2021

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Александра Костенюк

★ Международный гроссмейстер
★ 12-я чемпионка мира по шахматам
★ Победительница Кубка мира ФИДЕ 2021 среди женщин
★ Чемпионка мира среди женщин по быстрым шахматам 2021

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  1. @beauch Except friends, I don't think chess players are ever very cordial with each other at the end of a game. A loss at chess hurts! 🙂
    Yeah, it's only a game ;D

    I'm very grateful for this opportunity to watch the over-the-board games! Thank you, GM Alexandra!

  2. hi, in your opinion can an italian man play enough well at chess?

  3. @eeeeeriickkkkk Yes my name is Alexandra Kosteniuk and my nickname on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter is "chessqueen".

  4. Alexandra, thank you for posting it, it's truly fascinating to watch it!!

  5. thanks for the videos, beautiful woman and chess games!

  6. Why are men so much better than women in chess?

  7. @MrRazorblade999 I answered that question in length on my blog (google the words kosteniuk wall street journal ridiculous). In short – chess is a sport.

  8. @alessiociaoalessio It makes no difference what nationality you have to determine if you can play chess well.

  9. @ChessQueen thanx for answer. do you like pasta?

  10. @ChessQueen i wish i could cook for you a plate of pasta.

  11. she is a real chess queen, by the way she promotes the game!

  12. @ferrywar Of course! On Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, my nickname is "chessqueen". Best wishes!

  13. wait, how is that you have a lower rating than her and you are a grandmaster whereas she is only an intertional master?

  14. Ratings fluctuate. Titles need to be earned and approved. Now Nadezhda is also a GM (Overall Grandmaster).

  15. 1:54 WHY NOT bishop takes on f3. White can't retake with the queen due to the knight?

  16. In chess there are the titles of WGM (women's grandmaster) and GM (men or "overall" grandmaster). The strongest women in the world have managed to get besides WGM also the title of GM.

  17. My name is "Alexandra" (not Alexandria) and my Facebook is facebook dot com slash chessqueen. Hope to see you there!

  18. She is having a higher rating than your's but still she is an IM not GM. How is it possible?

  19. beautiful and smart liked when I saw your game mode.
    there if I had a chance to play with you even if it was by the website. 'm beginner plus a tip for you that hand strip the head why you are saying that this delivery anxious or showing. Claudeilson bay

  20. Sure I also comment a loss against Stefanova on my channel.

  21. There are special regulations for becoming a GM. There is a minimum rating of 2500 obligatory, and either you need to get 3 GM norms in strong tournaments, or win a very strong tournament. But now (2012), both Nadezhda Kosintseva and her sister Tatiana Kosintseva have achieved the GM title also.

  22. what a lucky guy ! i wish you all the best andcongratulations for your impressive chess rating

  23. Так ты уже 10 лет как замужем))

  24. Yes it's the Scandinavian defense 3… Qd6 variation. The opening moves are 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qd6. It can be a very sharp line. If you want to see all the moves of most of my games you can get a program like Chess King with its GigaDatabase and all the moves of all my games can be found and analyzed with a strong chess engine.

  25. Do not want to steal away the pleasure from this victory but she played so passive.. i like your trolling moves Nc8 Nb6 :)) nive victory she lost the plot with the second rook exchange she missed that tactic with the queen forking king and bishop after an eventual recapture with the pawn. Congrats anyway you played strong. I would have played h3 and h4 at somepoint in the game to break your kingside. Not the best but she was so passive.

  26. Yes on my channel you will also find games where I lose, there is one against T. Kosintseva and one against Stefanova.

  27. Yes this is my official YouTube channel "chessqueen", I have also several other YouTube channels "chesskillertips", "chessking" and "chessqueentv".

  28. Yes you guessed right, Tatiana Kosintseva and Nadezhda Kosintseva are sisters.

  29. Wow¡ Is an honor get this responses from you. Thank's for your attention.

  30. Well, I only knew about Tatiana but I did not know she had a sister and much less that she plays also chess professionally, thanks for the responses. Oh¡, one more question: In Russia all the womens who play chess also are Miss Universe candidates?

  31. Have you ever played Magnus Carlsen? I hear he's pretty good.

  32. I did not play Kasparov, he stopped playing when I became a Grandmaster. A coincidence?

  33. Yes I played against Magnus, the video of the game is here on my channel "chessqueen", enter watch?v=WeyXKTVYenA at the end of any YouTube link

  34. Kasparov was a great world champion, and has to his credit that he stayed world champion and #1 for a long period, he played beautiful chess games. Unfortunately he retired from active chess competition when I became a Grandmaster, so I did not have a chance to play him.

  35. lol watching women play chess is so hilarious… 😛 and i just saw the world chapion girl failing to mat with bishop and knight… lol it would be more interesting if they played chess with bikinies or shorts as they do in other games 😛

  36. Hey Chess Queen. Good Video. The camera was on a tripod. Move the flags to the other side of the table. This U.S. Marine and Ukrainian thinks he could defeat you. Look me up if you are ever in Scottsdale, Arizona. Steve…CmefaH

  37. Too bad the clock is not visible. Love to watch you playing!

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